Speaking Pro Central

I am excited to be participating in the launch of a great new site: Speaking Pro Central.
This is a community of people (many of us are bloggers) who have come together to help find and organize the best content from blogs, news sources and other web sites all around speaking and more specifically speaking professionally.  The goal is to create a place where it's easy to find current and highly relevant content.  And perhaps to stimulate new connections.
You can get a sense of the power of the site by looking at Tony Karrer's recent post: Twitter and Webinars.  In that post, he used the site to find information on twitter from a speaker's perspectiveHe simply had clicked on the keyword Twitter and was able to access a page that has:
The site will grow much richer over time as more people join the community and the content base grows.


You can find Featured participants listed on the right hand side of each page.  It's interesting to click on a few of the different bloggers who are featured and see what keywords are most associated with them.  For example, Craig Strachan has AcousticGig, Radio, and MP3 while Matt Eventoff has Compensation, Communications, Body Language, and Preparation.


All of this technology comes from Tony Karrer.  If you have ideas on how to improve the site or want to do something similar, I know that Tony would like to hear about it.